
Founded in 1998, The Center for Wildlife Ethics is a 501c3 public interest organization that advances measurable protections for wild animals and their habitats through legal advocacy, education, and grassroots efforts. Focusing our activities on the common good, CWE’s primary efforts include:

  • Researching, exposing, and defeating proposed policies and activities that threaten wildlife and the public lands on which they thrive

  • Educating the public on potential harms to wildlife and engaging their participation in the regulatory and democratic processes

  • Participating in the legislative and regulatory process through substantive written recommendations and live testimony

  • Monitoring governmental bodies for compliance and consistency with their own wildlife-related laws and policies

  • Promoting non-violent solutions for human conflicts with wildlife

  • Presenting our work at state, national, and international conferences

Center for Wildlife Ethics’ 20th Anniversary Video:

Inspiring reverence for wildlife and wild places


For more in depth information about Center for Wildlife Ethics’ advocacy, please visit the CWE website, or find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and join our mailing list:

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